Press Releases Alaska State Commission for Human Rights to Hold Meeting in Juneau on February 11; issues limited guidance document on Ballot Measure 1 January 23, 2025 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights (ASCHR) will hold its next meeting in Juneau, at the Downtown Branch of the Juneau Public Library located at 292 Marine Way, on February 11th at 2:00 pm. The Commission will hold elections for chairperson and vice-chairperson and will discuss investigative subpoena issuance and enforcement procedures in executive session with representatives from the Department of Law. The public is invited to attend the meeting in-person or on Zoom, with public comment scheduled for 2:30. Continue reading the January 23rd Press Release. Alaska State Commission for Human Rights to Hold Meeting in Anchorage on October 10; Sponsor 2nd Annual Alaska Civil Rights Conference on October 11-12 October 8, 2024 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights (ASCHR) will hold its next meeting in Anchorage at its offices located at 1901 Bragaw St., Suite 300, on October 10 starting at 2:00 pm. The Commission is excited to welcome and introduce Commissioner Dorene Lorenz of Juneau, whom Governor Dunleavy appointed on September 24, 2024. Commissioner Lorenz previously worked as a journalist and brings a long history of public service including her prior election to the Seward City Council and time spent on numerous historical and artistic entities. The Commission will also be discussing a resolution tabled from its last meeting in June encouraging security guards in healthcare settings to wear body cameras, and a resolution requesting the State Emergency Operations Center to adopt an Access and Functional Needs Coordinator. The public is invited to attend the meeting, with public comment scheduled for 2:30. Continue reading the October 8th Press Release. Alaska State Commission for Human Rights to Hold Meeting in Juneau on June 7 During Celebration May 24, 2024 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights will hold its next meeting in Juneau at the downtown library, 292 Marine Way, on June 7 starting at 1:00 pm. The Commission last met in Juneau at the beginning of 2023 and is looking forward to returning to Juneau while the Sealaska Heritage Institute hosts Celebration 2024. “Celebration, which draws thousands of people to the capital city, is a fantastic venue for the Commission to spread its anti-discrimination message. We are proud to be a co-sponsor for this year’s event and hope that the public will come to the meeting to let the Commissioners know what they are facing related to discrimination and/or how the Commission may help to prevent discrimination from happening,” said Rob Corbisier, the Commission’s Executive Director. Continue reading the May 24th Press Release. Alaska State Commission for Human Rights to Hold Annual Meeting at New Anchorage Office on March 18 March 8, 2024 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights will hold its annual meeting, the first meeting of the year, at its new office location in Anchorage on March 18 starting at 1:00 pm. After spending 40 years at its prior address, the Commission started its work in 2024 at 1901 Bragaw Street, Suite 300. The Commission will be considering two resolutions related to prescription labeling and braille education for blind and visually impaired Alaskans, hearing from Rabbi Abram Goodstein about antisemitism in Alaska, and holding elections for the chair and vice-chair. The public is invited to attend this meeting either in person or via Zoom, with public comment scheduled for 1:30 pm. Signage will be set up in the hallway directing the public into the Commission’s conference room. Anyone wishing to attend via telephone or Zoom should contact the Commission at (907) 276-7474 by 4:30 pm on Monday, March 11, to make arrangements. Continue reading the March 18th Press Release. Alaska State Commission for Human Rights issues updated LGBTQ+ workplace guidance October 11, 2023 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights published its updated LGBTQ+ employment discrimination guide earlier today. The guide, based on a similar federal document, contains current information on federal and state law for both employers and LGBTQ+ employees. It reflects the Commission’s policy to investigate workplace sexual discrimination complaints when an employer forces a transgender employee to use a bathroom, locker room, or shower not of the employee’s gender identity, and when an employee is subjected to pronouns or a name that is inconsistent with the employee’s gender identity because these actions could constitute and/or contribute to a hostile work environment. As required by state statute, the guidance document was reviewed by the Department of Law for legal accuracy. Continue reading the October 11th press release. ANB/ANS Camp 87, Alaska State Commission for Human Rights, and Anchorage Equal Rights Commission to co-host 1st Annual Statewide Civil Rights Conference September 29, 2023 (Anchorage, Alaska) – Alaska Native Brotherhood / Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 87, the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights, and the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission are co-hosting the Alaska Native Brotherhood / Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 87 First Annual Statewide Civil Rights Conference in Anchorage on October 14, 2023. Continue reading the September 29th Press Release. Alaska State Commission for Human Rights Adopts Resolutions Regarding Disability Concerns, Public Accommodations, and Human Trafficking September 1, 2023 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights held a busy meeting on Tuesday, August 22. The Commission heard and unanimously adopted five resolutions. Resolution 2023–04 reiterates the rights of people with disabilities to raise their children in parity with all other Alaskans. Resolution 2023–05 encourages the State of Alaska to procure a small number of braille printers to be made available to state agency offices when they need to print agency materials for braille-literate Alaskans. Resolution 2023–06 encourages Alaska’s Pioneer Homes to voluntarily retrofit its facilities to comply with the highest Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations for the betterment of Alaskan elders. Resolution 2023–07 asks the Alaska Legislature to amend AS 18.80.230 to clarify the impact of the United States Supreme Court case 303 Creative, LLC v. Elenis on issues of discrimination involving pure speech in Alaska. Resolution 2023–08 recognizes the disproportionate effects human trafficking can have on protected classes and advocates for state agencies to cooperate in their efforts to combat this atrocity. Continue reading the September 1st Press Release. Alaska State Commission for Human Rights invites the public for a lunchtime 60th anniversary celebration on the Delany Park Strip, on July 26 July 12, 2023 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year by holding a public meeting on the Delaney Park Strip in Anchorage near 9th and I Street on Wednesday, July 26. The event will run from noon to 3:00. Two food trucks will be on site, What the Fork? and Papaya Tree, to provide lunch options for attendees. Staff will have outreach materials available and answer questions. There will also be games/activities for kids and adults. Continue reading the July 12th press release. Alaska State Commission for Human Rights to hold a short telephonic meeting on April 17, 2023, at 1:00 pm March 31, 2023 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights is holding a short telephonic meeting on April 17, 2023, at 1:00 pm, primarily to discuss additional recommendations to its current legislative agenda. Specifically, the Commission called on the Alaska Legislature to make some administrative adjustments in statute to the date of its annual report and to change its name to reflect its constitutional mandate more accurately. During legislative meetings in February, additional ideas were proposed to coincide the annual report with the budget cycle, and legislators asked exactly what name the Commission wanted to see. The Commission will also receive a legislative briefing on HB 99, which proposes to create a definition of “sex” that includes gender identity and sexual orientation, thereby granting the Commission explicit statutory jurisdiction over LGBTQ+ complaints. The Commission invites the public to attend the meeting telephonically or via Zoom to listen and provide comment. Continue reading the March 31st press release. Rep. Josephson and ASCHR seek to close Anti-Discrimination Loophole with House Bill 13 February 16, 2023 (Juneau, Alaska) – Legislation by Representative Andy Josephson expanding the coverage of anti-discrimination statutes within the state is in the House Labor and Commerce Committee. Continue reading the February 16th press release. Alaska State Commission for Human Rights invites Juneau to attend public meeting on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, at the UAS Egan Classroom Wing, room 115, at 1:00 pm February 14, 2023 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights is holding its first meeting of 2023 in Juneau on Wednesday, February 22, starting at 1:00 pm on the University of Alaska Southeast campus. The meeting will take place in the Egan Classroom Wing, room 115. The Commission invites the public to attend the meeting to listen and provide comment. Continue reading the February 14th press release. Alaska State Commission for Human Rights Finishes 2022 Work by Adopting Resolutions at UAF, Meets with Fairbanks Diversity Council December 16, 2022 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights held its final meeting of the year earlier this week at the Wood Center on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus where it adopted two resolutions calling for greater access to childcare for special-needs children and addressing an administrative timing issue that is prescribed by statute. It also met with the Fairbanks Diversity Council to discuss discrimination priorities in the greater Fairbanks area. Continue reading the December 16th press release. Alaska State Commission for Human Rights invites Fairbanks-area residents to attend a public meeting on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at the UAF Wood Center conference room EF at 12:30 pm. November 29, 2022 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights is holding its next quarterly meeting in Fairbanks on Tuesday, December 13, starting at 12:30 pm on the University of Alaska campus. The meeting will take place at the Wood Center in conference room “EF.” The Commission invites the public to attend the meeting to listen and provide comments. In addition, staff will host an informational booth beginning at approximately 10:00 am to take discrimination complaints and provide resources to business owners, human resources professionals, and individual Alaskans to educate them about their rights. Continue reading the November 29th press release. Alaska State Commission for Human Rights invites Sitka residents to attend a public meeting on Monday, October 17, 2022, at the Raven Conference Room in the Aspen Suites Hotel Sitka at 1:00 pm. October 11, 2022 (Anchorage, Alaska) – The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights is holding its next quarterly meeting in Sitka to coincide with the community’s Alaska Day events. The Commission invites the public to attend the meeting to listen and provide comments. Continue reading the October 17th press release.