Public Hearing Summaries Note: Click on the case title to download the case PDF. Joseph Locke vs. Peter's Sushi Spot Date of Decision: Basis: Physical/Mental disability Resolution: Active Case Pubic hearing summary: Complainant Joseph Locke alleged Peter’s Sushi Spot discriminated against him by treating him as disabled. Locke’s temporary medical condition required him to wear a foot brace, and when he went to the restaurant to collect his tips, the business’s owner observed him wearing a brace and later told him not to come to work due to the brace. Despite Complainant’s efforts to reassure the owner that he was able to continue working when he arrived for his next scheduled shift, he found other employees covering his shift. An investigation by Commission staff found substantial evidence of Locke’s claim. Conciliation attempts failed, and an Accusation was filed with the Commission on June 23, 2021. The parties attended a judicial mediation conference on October 7, 2021. As of March 31, 2022, efforts to reach a mediated settlement agreement were ongoing.