Public Hearing Summaries Note: Click on the case title to download the case PDF. Gwen Slater vs. Partners 4 Life Inc. dba Firehouse BBQ Date of Decision: Basis: Sex Resolution: Active Case Pubic hearing summary: Complainant Gwen Slater alleged that Firehouse BBQ discriminated against her based on her sex. Firehouse BBQ hired Complainant as a waitress and later promoted her to assistant manager. She alleged that one of the restaurant’s owners subjected her to unwanted and offensive sexual contact and comments, as well as the display of sexual conduct, including pornographic material. Slater also asserted she informed her manager, as well as told the offending owner to stop, and that the sexual advances were unwelcome; however, the offensive sexual behavior continued. The complainant further alleged that Firehouse BBQ forced her to leave her employment because of the sexually charged hostile environment i.e., she was constructively discharged. An investigation by Commission staff found substantial evidence of both claims. Conciliation attempts failed and an Accusation on November 23, 2021. Following a status conference on March 1, 2022, the Accusation was remailed to Respondent, who had not notified the Commission of his new address. A Notice of Commencement was filed with OAH on December 9, 2021. The Commission unsuccessfully attempted on several different occasions to contact Complainant. Ultimately, she was notified via letter addressed to her last known address of the Commission’s intent to proceed with a 2-party settlement, if it did not hear from her by March 14, 2022, As of March 31, 2022, Complainant had not responded to the notification.